Welcome to Southern Wellness Services, Inc., nestled in the heart of Florence, AL. As an outpatient counseling program specializing in substance use, we're certified by the Alabama Department of Mental Health.
Our specialized care caters to adults, adolescents, women with children or pregnant women, and individuals with families facing challenging times. Our goal is to empower you to overcome difficulties, fostering a life of health, happiness, and fulfillment.
Our Approach
At SoWell, we embrace a client-centered approach, ensuring your comfort and confidence. Our trained counselors meet you where you are, providing immediate support at your chosen level. Opting for SoWell means empowering individuals and families with knowledge, skills, and community support for productive lives and resilient family units. Rest assured, your privacy is our top priority. As a HIPAA compliant company, confidentiality is non-negotiable.

What You Can Expect
At SoWell, getting the help you need is just a call away or a click on the 'Take Action' button at the top of this page. Our highly qualified staff is dedicated to providing assistance and guidance from the very first contact. Your journey to well-being starts with a simple step.
Our services are crafted for real-world problem-solving and maximum privacy, seamlessly fitting into your life. With your affordability in mind, we determine fees through insurance providers and offer an income assessment structure. Quality care that meets you where you are.